

Rezeki Ummat

Economic Empowerment Campaign

Rezeki Ummat, more than providing food.

Rezeki Ummat is designed to help ease the burden of low and middle-income groups on providing basic food needs at home. The aim of this project is to ease their burden and ensure the basic necessities of home are covered.

Rezeki Ummat is the first step to look into various problems and issues of the community.

Rezeki Ummat MyFundAction

This is one of the confessions that we still receive through messages and calls from those who need help with the basic needs of Rezeki Ummat.

They are not asking to be tested with hardships and hardships.

However, the rising cost of household goods like rice, oil, eggs, and more has left many Malaysian households in a state of food insecurity.

To the point where certain people have already started their “fast” before us since they can’t afford to buy food.

Rezeki Ummat MyFundAction

What is MyFundAction’s role?

Observing a situation like this, MyFundAction took the initiative to launch the “Rezeki Ummat” project, [RU].

RU is a project to help ease the burden of low and middle income groups in providing basic food needs.


Rezeki Ummat MyFundAction

The goal is to continue improving the quality of life of Malaysian B40 households through sustainability and economic well-being.

Project Name Rezeki Ummat 
  • To meet the basic food needs and other requirements of low-income families.
  • To guarantee that those who receive assistance will be able to continue to enhance their quality of life
Target beneficiaries 15,000 families
Target location Entire Malaysia
Contribution needed RM3,960,000
Bring joy to those in need

Contributions will be utilized to provide the following for those of you who support Rezeki Ummat:

Rezeki Ummat MyFundAction

To all jiwa baik,

Your generosity can bring a ray of hope to those less fortunate.

As the Prophet Muhammad SAW said,

“Hellfire is afraid even of a date (that you give to the hungry).” – Narrated by al-Bukhari

Insha’Allah, Rezeki Ummat will make it easier for individuals who are struggling financially to recover.

Rezeki ummat MyFundAction
Support Rezeki Ummat to Those Being Tested

PACKAGE 1 – Help 5 families: RM750

PACKAGE 2 – Help 3 families: RM450

PACKAGE 3 – Help 1 family: RM150

PACKAGE 4 – A sign that we care: RM50

PACKAGE 5 – A sign that we care: RM30


Read more : Is MyFundAction projects are tax deductible?

Updates on Rezeki Ummat
19 Oktober 2024 MyFundAction Prihatin Mangsa Banjir Alor Setar


Pada 19 Oktober lalu, pasukan MyFund Action telah turun padang ke Alor Setar bagi melaksanakan misi kemanusiaan membantu mangsa banjir di kawasan terjejas.

Sebanyak 135 pek lauk daging RTE siap dimakan berjaya diagihkan menerusi empat siri misi dan diharapakan dengan usaha ini dapat meringankan beban mangsa banjir serta membawa sedikit keceriaan di saat sukar.

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29 November 2024 Misi Prihatin Banjir Pasir Mas


Sebanyak 100 Kotak Rezeki Ummat telah diagihkan pada 29 November 2024 melalui dua misi berasingan untuk membantu masyarakat yang terjejas akibat banjir di daerah Pasir Mas.

Bantuan tersebut disalurkan ke Kampung Bakat dan Guai Periuk, dengan setiap kawasan menerima 50 kotak. Misi ini melibatkan usaha gigih dua orang sukarelawan di setiap kawasan, memastikan setiap bantuan sampai tepat kepada mereka yang benar-benar memerlukan.

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30 November 2024 760 Pek Lauk Daging RTE


Pada 30 November 2024, sebanyak 760 pek lauk daging RTE dan 10 kotak Rezeki Ummat berjaya diagihkan melalui empat misi berasingan di kawasan terjejas banjir di Machang, Kelantan. Bantuan ini disalurkan ke empat lokasi utama: APM Machang, UiTM Machang, PPS SK Sg Bagan, dan PPS SK Bandar.

Setiap misi melibatkan 1 orang sukarelawan, dengan kerjasama erat daripada UiTM Machang dan APM Kelantan yang memainkan peranan penting dalam memastikan kelancaran pengagihan.

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1 Disember 2024 3,174 Bantuan Simbol Solidariti
Terengganu, Kelantan


1 Disember 2024, sebanyak 398 Kotak Rezeki Ummat, 2,255 Pek Lauk Daging RTE, 295 Pek Lauk Ayam RTE, 196 Mini Hygiene Kit, 20 Kit Emosi dan 10 unit Sanitary Pampers telah diagihkan dalam sembilan misi berasingan merentasi negeri Terengganu dan Kelantan.

Di Terengganu, bantuan diedarkan di kawasan Kuala Terengganu, Marang, Besut dan Kuala Nerus, termasuk di pusat pemindahan seperti IPK Kuala Terengganu, PPS SK Gemuruh, PPS Che Long, serta kampung-kampung yang terjejas seperti Kg Pengkalan Setar dan Kg Pasir Puteh.

Manakala di Kelantan, bantuan disalurkan ke kawasan seperti APM Tanah Merah, Kg Kursial Baru, Kg Chekoq Ipoh, Luxury Garden Kota Bharu dan Kg Pohon Tanjung dengan kerjasama strategik antara UiTM Machang dan APM Kelantan.

Operasi ini turut melibatkan penyertaan seramai 198 sukarelawan dengan sokongan daripada rakan kolaborasi seperti IPK Kuala Terengganu, Skuad Waja, Jabatan Pembangunan Wanita dan ketua kampung tempatan.

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2 Disember 2024 Bantuan Bagi Lima Misi Berasingan

2 Disember 2024, sebanyak 72 Kotak Rezeki Ummat, 360 Pek Lauk Daging RTE, 60 Pek Lauk Ayam RTE, dan 120 Mini Hygiene Kit telah diagihkan dalam lima misi berasingan di sekitar Kelantan. Kawasan yang menerima bantuan ini termasuk UMK Bachok, PPS SK Pengkalan Kubur 2, APM Kelantan, Rantau Panjang, dan Kg Melor.

Setiap misi ini dilaksanakan dengan penyertaan 1 orang sukarelawan dan melibatkan kerjasama erat antara UiTM Machang dan Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (APM) Kelantan.

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7 Disember 2024 240 Pek RTE Lauk Daging
Melaka dan Johor


Pada 7 Disember 2024, sebanyak 240 Pek Lauk Daging RTE telah diagihkan dalam dua misi berasingan bagi membantu komuniti terjejas banjir di kawasan Johor dan Melaka. Kawasan edaran meliputi PPS Dewan Penghulu Long, Johor dan SK Kg Parit Penghulu, Melaka, dengan setiap lokasi menerima 120 pek bantuan.

Setiap misi ini dilaksanakan dengan penyertaan 1 orang sukarelawan. Walaupun tiada rakan kolaborasi yang terlibat, misi ini berjaya memastikan keperluan mendesak komuniti di kawasan terjejas banjir dapat dipenuhi.

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9 Disember 2024 1,095 Bantuan Disalur dengan Kerjasama APM & Bursa Malaysia


Tiga misi telah dilaksanakan pada 9 Disember 2024, bagi membantu komuniti yang terjejas banjir di kawasan Maran, Pahang. Bantuan yang disalurkan merangkumi:

  • 15 Kotak Rezeki Ummat
  • 784 Pek Lauk Daging RTE
  • 72 Mini Hygiene Kit
  • 224 Item lain (makanan)

Misi ini melibatkan 9 orang sukarelawan yang bekerja keras memastikan setiap bantuan sampai ke sasaran dengan lancar. Sokongan padu daripada Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (APM) dan Bursa Malaysia turut menjadi tunjang utama kejayaan misi ini.

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14 Disember 2024 Misi Prihatin Kg Buaya Daran & Kg Changgai


Pada 14 Disember 2024, dua misi kemanusiaan berjaya dilaksanakan di Kg Buaya Daran dan Kg Changgai, Kelantan, bagi membantu komuniti yang terjejas akibat banjir. Bantuan meliputi 100 Kotak Rezeki Ummat dan 80 Mini Hygiene Kit telah diberikan.

Seramai 40 sukarelawan bagi setiap misi (jumlah keseluruhan 80 sukarelawan) berganding bahu memastikan bantuan sampai tepat ke tangan penerima.

Misi ini turut disokong erat oleh UiTM Machang, yang memainkan peranan penting dalam kelancaran setiap langkah agihan.

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MAY 2022

The Struggle of a single mother

In May 2022, 1653 boxes were distributed around Malaysia (1164 beneficiaries), New Zealand (30 beneficiaries), and Middle East countries. One of the beneficiaries is Mrs Saratah.

Thanks to the Rezeki Ummat programme, Mrs. NurSarah, a Muslim convert and single mother of four children, was able to purchase a special mild formula for his 85-year-old father…[READ MORE]


JUNE 2022


In June 2022, 2515 boxes were distributed around Malaysia (2211 beneficiaries), New Zealand (10 beneficiaries), and Indonesia (64 beneficiaries).

Before this, Mrs. Zarina and her family only able to eat whatever they have but most of the times it was plain fried rice. And this was during the MCO period. But now she had asked that this aid is given to a more needy families than her…[READ MORE]

JAN 2023

Throughout the month of January 2023, 2,348 Rezeki Ummat boxes in total were distributed.


FEB 2023

Over the course of February 2023, 1,991 Rezeki Ummat boxes in total were distributed.

Qalisya, strong kids!

MyFundAction assisted the Qalisya family towards the end of February. A child who knows the difficulties that her family suffers in life.

The story of Qalisya has captured the attention of netizens, and assistance provided to Qalisya and her family.

New motorcycle to ease her mother to do work

MyFundAction provided a motorbike, fixed a car, and provided pocket money for Qalisya’s family’s needs.

Qalisya is only one of many youngsters who have suffered adversity since they were children.

Keep going to cooperate with us in assisting thousands of children who share Qalisya’s fate.

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Let's be part of us in this project

This campaign will end in

May Allah S.W.T rewards you [with] goodness. Support by sharing this campaign with others:


We exist to create a better world by touching many hearts one at a time. MyFundAction is a non-profit organization runs by Youth that embraces love and passion through volunteerism and entrepreneurship.

Support Rezeki Ummat Campaign Now

May Allah S.W.T rewards you [with] goodness.